Smart Ideas: Revisited

Sep 30th

Orphans Court Judge Vickie Gipson Is Unwilling to Serve, and It’s Costing Anne Arundel County a Fortune

When Judge Vickie Gipson presided over the Anne Arundel County Orphans Court, the court was generally recognized as an example of efficiency and kindness in government. However, the court has now fallen well short of that requirement. Anne Arundel County’s infamous Orphans Court Judge Vickie Gipson has been paid over $250,000 in salary and benefits over the previous five years, according to an investigation published by the Capital in Annapolis. This is despite the fact that she has issued zero judgements since 2012. Even more egregiously, Gipson refuses to work, with testimony from numerous county employees stating that she spends much of her time hanging out at home or shopping in local stores like Macy’s and Williams-Sonoma.

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Who is Judge Vickie Gipson? Vickie Gipson is the judge of the Orphans Court for Anne Arundel County. This first four-year tenure began after her 2006 election. She will have completed her current term in 2020. In addition to her duties as an Orphan’s Court judge, she also has various administrative roles, including serving as the Administrative Judge of the Family Division of Circuit Court and Director of Judicial Administration. In spite of all this responsibility, Judge Gipson has refused to work. She doesn’t believe that there is any point to it because she doesn’t think she can do anything about it.

Anne Arundel orphans court judge Vickie Gipson has refused for years to work the full-time hours required by her job. Due to Judge Gipson’s unwillingness to work, other courts have had to step in and consider additional cases, lengthening the wait time for families seeking assistance for their children. Judge Gipson has been abdicating her responsibilities as the presiding judge of the Anne Arundel County Orphans’ Court due to the fact that she has been the most senior judge in the court for the past decade.

We may have even more of a problem on our hands if she is not removed from office: unreliable judges. I couldn’t believe Judge Gipson could still sit on her hands and do nothing despite the apparent implications. Our county administration cannot afford to keep making the same mistakes it has in the past. Please do not re-elect Orphans’ Court Judge Vickie Gipson.

Anne Arundel County residents sign a petition to have Orphans’ Court Judge Vickie Gipson removed from her position. Furthermore, we demand an inquiry into her unwillingness to work, which we estimate to cost county taxpayers an enormous amount each year in compensation alone. At the same time, she is still compensated as a judge while not working normal hours. If you reside in Anne Arundel County, please sign the petition.

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